So despite my continued exhaustion, I can't seem to fall asleep at a decent hour, i just lie there in the dark with the music on and my mind whirling until I turn on the tv or pick up the computer. Today as I turned on the tv I saw a mini infomercial. you know the ones that come on cable channels and for a second you think that just maybe you have turned the channel because you are in the middle of an infomercial, except that it's just a regular commercial break, with 1 long commercial. Well since turnabout is fair play I figured I'd complain about this mini infomercial, since it was mini- there wasn't a lot happening, but it was for a product called easy curves, which is basically an exercise bar. I don't really understand the technology but it will naturally lift and separate the female breast, oh and make them bigger. It reminded me of a book. Basically since you may not have ever been a 10 year old girl, I'll explain. There's a book called "Are You There God, It's Me Margaret?" The main character, young Margaret wants boobs and does some exercise and chants, "I mist, I must, I must increase my bust," to make them grow... it sounds like the inventor read that book and made this bar. And the commercial is just a lot of close ups of women with already large breasts moving them. I'm not sure if women will buy this, but I bet many a man will purchase it for his wife. Now why didn't they do penis close ups for the other infomercial... just curious.
Today at work I was standing next to a door and I looked at what I thought was the emergency evacuation procedure and in a way it was. It was a Zombie Evacuation. Pretty funny stuff. There's actually a whole website that is amusing. (www.eatliver.com)
Speaking of work, Julianne Nicholson was around. She apparently was an understudy a few weeks back. (In case you are not familiar, she is Chris Noth's new partner on L&O Criminal Intent) Apparently this theatre is a big deal.
I was thinking on the train today, I'd like to be in a band someday. I can't sing and I don't really play an instrument, but I'd like to play the cowbell and the tambourine and the triangle.
You know what else? I think things just sound cooler with a British accent. Everyone in the cast has an accent. (oh if you're a fan of the scream trilogy like I am, one of the actresses was in Scream 3)
On my way to work, I stepped on no less than 6 empty condom wrappers which raises the question, where did the condoms go?
Also, might I suggest the tide pen? It is the handiest purchase I've made recently and I have used it a bunch!
Yankees home opener today! Last one in the stadium. 11 days until the first ny vs. bos game... i'm just saying... Bring on the Sox Fans. Because baseball is good. It's better when we play the Sox. Even Better? Carrying on non-violent ribbing with a Sox Fan. Maybe a side bet or two...
Crash Into Me, Dave Matthews. It just came on. The video was shot in Kingston NY, about 20 minutes from where I went to college and the dancers in the video are part of a dance troupe called in forward motion and being their stage manager was one of the first jobs i ever had...
Ahh... finally... tired. I think typing clears the brain for sleep....
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