So, I was just lying in bed thinking about all kinds of things, which of course I'm going to share with you. I was thinking about kissing. Kissing is so good. But really it's all about how lips fit together. And the tactile feeling of the lips. But, when you try to describe what kissing actually is, it gets difficult. Kissing is so weird when you break it down. I mean don't get me wrong, I like it... A LOT, but who thought of it? Smoosh your lips to another person's lips, maybe use tongues, like licking the inside of someone else's mouth. If you described it that way, no one would ever do it. But maybe it's one of those things you just can't put into words, for that reason. Then I thought about kissing for a while. I could kiss for hours really. Sigh, I miss kissing.
Kissing led me to noses. Now you're probably going to think I'm weird (I don't know why I would worry about that now). You know how people always notice eyes or mouths or assorted other body parts? Well, I notice noses. I think they are kinda sexy. There is something fascinating about them. They are all different sizes and shapes and they are right in the middle of your face. And think about how weird people would look without them. Perfection in a nose is relative to a face. Sometimes they look all weird like someone put the puzzle together wrong. But what makes noses sexy is how involved they really are in the kissing process. They are touching your kissing partner's face as much as lips. I don't know, I'm not describing it well, just they have a sexy role to play and that makes them important, but a well shaped nose can make me weak in the knees.
In my scheme of things, lips come next, then eyes. Lips, I can't put into words what I like or don't like, I just know a good pair when I see them. If you look at lips and all you can think about is kissing them, those are good lips.
Then the eyes. Eyes are easy. If you look into them and you get butterflies, those are good eyes. If you look into them and you can see right inside the person, those are good eyes. Color, shape, size, those are pretty irrelevant unless they look like they don't belong. You know like very obviously colored contacts or bad plastic surgery. Oh don't get me started about nose jobs. Most of the people that I know that have had them, I don't get it, their nose just looks wrong. I can spot a vanity nose job from 100 paces. There's a look to it.
Anyway, I'm going back to thinking about kisses...
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