Monday, May 26, 2008

Rained out!

(If I sent you an email about my week in review, read the next post.  This is not it.)

Well before we got to the camp fire, with the guitars and the smores, it started to rain.  I was having a brilliant conversation about creating life on Mars and the pictures that just came back.

So we were talking about that and Quantum Physics. Stuff that made my mind explode. Like we are creating the universe through our consciousness. And how things behave when we are looking at them, are not how they behave when we aren't. I know I'm not selling it very well, but I didn't retain it as well as I hoped because the rain started and everything went to chaos before I could grasp it.

Oh and lastly, what is the name of that thing, it was usually yellow and you put it in the middle of a 45 record to play it on a normal stereo... Anyone?

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