Monday, May 26, 2008

Rained out!

(If I sent you an email about my week in review, read the next post.  This is not it.)

Well before we got to the camp fire, with the guitars and the smores, it started to rain.  I was having a brilliant conversation about creating life on Mars and the pictures that just came back.

So we were talking about that and Quantum Physics. Stuff that made my mind explode. Like we are creating the universe through our consciousness. And how things behave when we are looking at them, are not how they behave when we aren't. I know I'm not selling it very well, but I didn't retain it as well as I hoped because the rain started and everything went to chaos before I could grasp it.

Oh and lastly, what is the name of that thing, it was usually yellow and you put it in the middle of a 45 record to play it on a normal stereo... Anyone?

Music On The Mountain

So I'm going to try to split this into sections, I think, because that way if you don't care or you don't feel like reading about something you can skip it!


So, I arrived in Jennerstown, Pennsylvania last Friday. I arrived about an hour later than expected because Mapquest sucks sometimes. When I realized I was going to be late I called the person that was supposed to be meeting me. She said she was just going to go home and leave me keys and some information at the front desk of the restaurant. So I had to find my way alone, which I think is what set me up for my 4 day unhappy rant (which some of you were unlucky enough to hear).

The place was rustic at best. I mean people tried to prepare me, they told me it was going to be in the country, but until you are there, trudging through the wet grass and mud into the cold concrete house, you don't really understand it. The lights didn't work in the living room, but my bedroom was fine. It was warm at least. The room was a little bare and the window is big enough to open and walk through like a door, so I backed my car up to the window and threw all my stuff in! This would come back to bite me in the ass.

I pulled out my welcome pack and grabbed my computer and headed to the restaurant, which was the only place I knew that had internet. I sat in my car and mapquested myself some directions to the nearest store. I bought some decorations and dinner. I came back, unpacked and then went back to the restaurant with my fully charged computer and stayed until the battery died. Then I went to my new home and fell asleep watching The Cutting Edge.

The next day I attempted to do some work, but I hit a bunch of obstacles. Mostly that everything was closed because it was Saturday. So I did what I could, sent my assistant home and told her that we were going to work on Monday instead of taking the day off, so we should take off on Sunday. I decided to go get some groceries. When I got home I backed my car to my window again because it had been raining all day and that's where it stayed. I already wrote about this, (see post, Stuck In The Mud) needless to say, things had hit a low point.

The next day, my car finally freed from the mud, I decided to go to my old stomping ground in Carlisle, PA. I met my friend Libby and I gave a quick recap of my life there. It was fun, we ended at the sex shop where I spent money on things I currently have no use for, but they sounded like a good idea at the time. By the time I got home it was late and I managed to just pass out.

Monday was a good day. I got a lot of work done. I met a bunch of the cast as they arrived. I did some texting and made some phone calls. Things were finally starting to look up.


Personality Tests

Now that I have internet I have been killing time at night looking up random things. For example, I have taken that Meyers-Briggs personality test. I am an INFJ, which is The Protecter. Look it up, I think it's pretty accurate. Apparently, I should be dating an ENTP, The Visionary or ENFP, The Inspirer. So, now you know and I know. What does it mean? Probably nothing. How many people know their personality type?


My friend Mellen and my friend Sam are VERY into astrology. So I have been killing time looking up that stuff. I'm a Sagittarius and apparently I should be dating an Aries. Better if it's an Aries that is closest to the cusp of Pisces (which would be between 3/21-3/27) because they would match the fact that I am on the cusp of Scorpio? Maybe? I don't know I got kind of lost reading all it. It was really just a time killer.

York, PA

Apparently, York, PA is the mecca for weddings in 2008. The Production manager here left for the weekend for a wedding in York. I'll be there later this year for a wedding... okay well that's only 2, but what are the chances that you would meet someone who just went to a wedding there? I mean it's not NY or Boston or Atlanta or California, it's York, PA. How many people have even heard of York, PA? I just think it's interesting.


Does anyone myspace anymore? I only ask, because in an accident on the level of stupidity that only I could achieve, I deleted almost everything from my page. My music, my layout and I was going to put them back, but then I stopped and thought, does anyone still use this? I mean I have 2 friends that do, I know, but other than that... So should I bother trying to restore my site a little (keep in mind that it will probably never reach the long to load super cluttered heights it had. That's how I accidentally deleted everything. I was trying to delete a bunch of stuff and I accidently went a little crazy) Anyway...

Cosmopolitan and the Male Organ

While I was getting ready to leave and packing, I came across my collection of Cosmos from about 3 years ago, when I had gotten a free subscription for Christmas. I had never read them so I packed them figuring I could get rid of them in Jennerstown after I was finished, which I have. 12 issues + 2 from this year that were an impulse buy at the register. Considering the style pages were outdated, I pretty much just read the the articles. 14 issues on how to please your man. Needless to say, I am expert now. I know all about the man's G-spot, and F-spot, C-Spot, O-spot, 8-spot, W-spot, X-spot and R Spot (oh yeah, according to Cosmo, they all exsist) and where to put my hand/mouth/tongue to make his toes curl! Go Cosmo!


Okay now that I have given you some info... I leave you with this... I think I will try to keep this up to date at least weekly. Although it might not work that way. Especially considering that I will have a crazy weekend next week.

But by all means call me, if I don't answer tell me when is the best time to call and I will. Text me. Email, aim.

Check out my new tongue rings, 2 posts ago.

Questions? Comments?

Okay, I'm off to search for beer...mmm, beer. Wish me luck, and Happy Memorial Day!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Guess who got INTERNET?!

Finally, I have rejoined the human race, so be sure to check back either late Sunday or Monday for my first week, update! Trust me as much as I have had to complain about, the work is good, and the people are awesome! And if you love music, you want hear about it!

See you soon!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Impulse Buy

Okay, so I was online and bored and sitting in my car on Monday night and I was internet window shopping. Then I accidentally bought 9 new tongue rings because they were cheap. Well, that and because I couldn't find all mine before I left the house, I can't really imagine where they have gotten to. The last time I saw them was the day before my surgery, when I switched from the metal one to the plastic one so, that was 3 months ago. And I was really just searching for 1 because it makes me nervous not to have a backup. Even though it's been 9 years since I've accidentally swallowed one of the balls, I still never like to be without insurance, incase it should happen again. Always be prepared and all that. Anyway, they got here today, and since this is the most exciting thing that has happened today, i thought I'd share my fun new purchases! Or at least a few of them. The others are mostly plain, or you can't really see them in a photo. All I can say for sure is they are fun to play with!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Is the world still there?

You know, I never realized how dependent am on the internet. I mean completely. It is where I get my news and it is a huge force of communication. Like for instance, this last week, I have been able to get on line just long enough to check my email and send the typed emails and post these pre-written blogs. Or sometimes while I am at work, the signal from the restaurant creeps in and I get surprise mail download, but I am in no way able to read it. So, for all I know, the whole rest of the world could be gone and we could be the last survivors and I'd have no idea... scary. I get internet on friday, hopefully. Then I can rejoin the land of the informed.

Apparently I am near where flight 93, crashed and the memorial site. I will definitely pay a visit when I have a day off in a couple of weeks. Plus, once I have internet I want to find out what is near by and have a few adventures. Anyone wanna join me?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Stuck in the Mud and a Little Baseball Metaphor

I’m stuck out here in the middle of nowhere. Just to give you an idea, my first 2 days I didn’t see another living sole on the property. On my second day, my car got stuck in the mud and I had to call AAA to pull me out, which was an adventure. No one could figure out where I was and I got transferred 4 times before they got the correct office. I don’t have internet yet, despite the fact that I have been calling for a week, because Comcast can’t find me. I finally got through and the next available appointment is 2 weeks away. It’s freezing here (seriously, today was 42 degrees) and so people are hiding out in their apartments, but I don’t have roommates, so I am pretty effectively cut off from human contact. The only thing I have is my cell phone (when it works) and the people I already know.

This just got me to thinking, what happens to people? I mean you know when you talk to someone everyday and then suddenly a day passes, then it's two, then 5. It's inexplicable what happens? Why did contact stop? It would make sense if there had been a fight, but when nothing happens it's weird. I'm left wondering what happened. Did I unintentionally offend? Did the other person get trapped under a large object? Why was that call not returned? Why was that reply email not sent? Why didn't anyone return that text message? It's all so arbitrary and trivial, but when there's nothing else to do but think, you wonder about these things. Then you have to decide, do you reach out again? Or do you just let things go? And if you let them go, what does that say? Does that send the message that you don't give a shit, or does it ;et the other person know that you are okay giving people the space they need?

The person that held my heart underwater for the last few years accused me of analyzing things too much. He said a lot of horrible things, did a lot of horrible things. He made me feel bad about things, but I couldn't let him go without an ending. I didn't want things to just fade away, I needed them to end. Messy or clean, it didn't matter as long as they were definite. I could have been rid of him, a long time ago if I had just let him fade out. Instead he kept me repressed and made me feel cheap.

I think about things, when my mind wanders I analyze things, situations, people. I think psychology is fascinating. I think thinking is sexy. Brilliant minds that ask questions are sexy. Questioning the shit that people shove at you and want you to accept. It doesn't necessarily matter whether I agree with your opinion or not, just have an opinion. have something to say. It's like baseball. You see, I have an opinion which is I like the Yankees, what can I say, I am a New Yorker! BUT, it just so happens that I have A LOT of friends that are hardcore Sox fans. It's really a sickness, this baseball obsession and my constant draw to Red Sox fans. Now am I a Sox fan? Well, I think that it's an impossibility, I already drank the Yankee kool-aid. (okay, not like that crazy Yankees fan that hit a Sox fan with her car last month. I'm a fan, not insane.) However, I love a Sox fan, because up until a few years ago, they were loyal, to a team that wasn't winning, and win or lose, a Sox fan is a Sox fan. Plus, there is pretty much nothing better in my opinion than watching a Yankees verses Sox game with both fans. The energy is amazing! The tension. The sometimes uncomfortable silences following an inning... I have watched one on one with a Sox fan and I swear a good game is like good sex. The win, is just the cherry on top. Watching with other Yankees fans is like masturbation. Sex and baseball are always linked!

Sorry, I got distracted. So back to the original question, where do people go when they stop being in your life? Why do they leave? Why did they leave an not say anything? Do they miss you? Do they think about you? If you give them space, will they come back? Does it matter? If you get too caught up in thinking about it, it's like you got stuck in the mud.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

How you like me now?

So I have been trying, which if you have been reading this you know, to transfer my blog here. I decided that I was no longer keeping my .mac account just to post a blog, which was all I was using it for. So now, I have found this nice new, free home at I have moved everything from this year. I have moved some things from the previous years in order of interest. I'll keep at it. When I'm all moved in, I'll let everyone know. (Of course if you know me, you know how little I like to pack and unpack, so this could take forever...) Oh and don't bother trying to get to the old site, it's gone. My account has been closed, address and website cancelled.

So how you like me now?

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Put a face on it

So I would really like to put a picture on my Tony & Sam Blog, but I can't find my pictures of them. I've torn apart my house! And I could use one that is on line of him, but he's not smiling in any of them. And the Tony I remember smiled a lot. the search continues.

Anyway, while I was looking for a picture, I found this page. All the lives lost in April. Start putting some faces on this war:

Monday, May 5, 2008

Cupid Kills Me

Okay, So for those of you that know him, I am not talking about Cupid from college. He doesn't kill me. He's okay and happily painting and showing said paintings in art galleries in Brooklyn.

That being said, I have finally done it. I joined an online dating site, okay, I joined them all. Then I after 2 days, I deleted all of the profiles except 2. Why? Well, I deleted any site that wanted me to pay to meet people because somehow in my mind that seems odd. A little like buying a hooker in a roundabout way. I mean think about it, if you meet someone awesome and eventually have sex, then you've paid the pimp called So those were the first to go. Then there were 2 free ones that I deleted because after being a member for 2 days I received a combined total of 55 messages, all from gentlemen over 50. I checked, there were young guys on the site, they just weren't as persistent as the over 50 set. And you know, I'm not an ageist. But I feel like 20 years older than me is a bit much, especially since I'm eternally 25. These guys have kids that are around my age. I just couldn't deal. And they were very determined. They sent multiple messages, which I find creepy, considering I didn't respond to the first one. Here's a tip, if you should stumble upon me on a dating site, and I don't respond to your first message, or your second, then you send me a third, then you are officially a creepy stalker.

Now, here's my next complaint. Based on my answers to random questions, these sites claim to be able to find me "my perfect match." Does anyone else think this is weird and creepy? I mean, it seems that they are matching me with someone just like me, and what's the fun in that? Plus, how do they know that because I say my favorite color is purple, that me and Tom from Hicksville are soul mates? What? The questions are so black and white and that's not how this girl works. I became who I am based on a social spectrum of colors. My point is that I have to read the whole profile to decide anything. And that's still not much. I am definitely more than the 3000 words or whatever I posted there. Plus, I think that saying you can find my best match available, within the arbitrary parameters I set, it's weird. Its like engineering babies so they are genetically superior.

I'll keep you posted about my exploration of these sites.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


So I have made the official decision to move. Find me at:

My decision is purely financial and I will begin transferring this years stuff first and previous years as I get to it. This could take a while... I hate moving....

So if you are reading this at .mac, this is my last post. If you are reading this on blogspot, welcome to my new home.