So 5 years ago, everything changed. Now there are military forces in the subways in NY and there is a big hole in the crowded skyline.
Everyone remembers what they did that day. I had a job interview. I got up and was driving towards Manhattan all morning. I was listening to the radio as the first plane hit. I thought that there was a moron drunk pilot flying. Then the second and everyone started to realize what was happening. I got to my interview and I eventually got the job. I think it was more because I showed up on that day and they didn't have time to really find anyone else.
The drive home was sobering. I cringed every time I saw something fly overhead. By this time of course they had grounded all flights, and the planes had crashed in PA and DC. The only things in the air were military. I hadn't seen a picture, only in my mind, so when I finally got back to PA, I fell against the wall and slid down.
The entire staff house was sitting around the tv, eating pizza still in their pajamas. My brother, a member of the NYPD had gotten called back into work before the towers collapsed. No one had heard from him, and now the phones were all busy and I had no way to get in touch with anyone. We were watching the news and someone was reporting live from the Chelsea hospital and there was my brother in the background. One of the guys cried.
It's been 5 years....
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