So boredom has led me to this... I was going through my music on my computer making a new playlist. When I make playlists, I click the column to put the song titles in alphabetical order. Anyway, when I got to C I realized that I had at least 10 songs with the title Crazy or Crazy and some other words, it's the only word that wasn't I'm or In or And or The or something like that, that there was that many songs for. So I got distracted and listened to them and I realized they were all about love, which I thought was kind of weird. Patsy Cline, The Barenaked Ladies, Beyonce and Aerosmith same title, same concept, different music and lyrics, but the songs are pretty much about the same thing. Then I decided that maybe I didn't know what crazy really meant. So I decided to look up the word crazy and this is what I found:
Merriam-Webster's online dictionary: Function: adjective
1 a : full of cracks or flaws : UNSOUND b : CROOKED, ASKEW
2 a : MAD, INSANE b (1) : IMPRACTICAL (2) : ERRATIC c : being out of the ordinary : UNUSUAL
3 a : distracted with desire or excitement b : absurdly fond : INFATUATED c : passionately preoccupied : OBSESSED
- like crazy : to an extreme degree
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.:ADJECTIVE:
1. Affected with madness; insane. 2. Informal Departing from proportion or moderation, especially: a. Possessed by enthusiasm or excitement. b. Immoderately fond; infatuated: was crazy about boys. c. Intensely involved or preoccupied. d. Foolish or impractical; senseless: a crazy scheme for making quick money.
IDIOM: like crazy Informal To an exceeding degree: They were running around like crazy.
What's my point? Crazy is a passionate emotion, now I know...